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Employment advice

Employment advice We cover the needs of companies in everything related to compliance with labor and social security management, in short, all the labor management that your company needs.

OLIVÁN ADVISORY, puts its Labor Department at your disposal and offers you, among others, the following services:

Constitution and creation of companies:

Consultations and advice prior to the start of the business activity. We register your company with the Social Security Treasury, processing the registration of self-employed workers and the assignment of contribution account codes that you may need.

We also carry out preparation of Business Plans (Viability), Analysis of salary costs.

Preparation of Contracts:

Preparation and presentation of worker contracts before the Regional Employment Service (I.N.E.M). And processing of subsidies for hiring.

Manufacture of Upper parts - Lower parts - Variations:

Preparation and presentation of the parts of High - Low - Variations of the workers before the Social Security.

Preparation of Payroll:

Following the instructions received by the company, we will prepare monthly payroll - salary receipts.

Preparation of Social Security and Transmission to Social Security:

Elaboration of the TC-1, TC-2, monthly models, according to the payrolls prepared. Also the transmission of the TC2 to the Social Security by the RED system and debit in bank account of the TC1 model through the RED system.

Preparation of settlements and settlements:

Carrying out the calculation and preparation of liquidations and settlements, in the cases of workers' leave, which arise at any time.

Mediation in conflicts, and representation in conciliations

Whatever your problem, in our office you will find the human and professional support you need in legal and juridical advice. To solve conflicts and problems that may arise between the company and workers.

Labor advice:

Continuous advice on labor legislation, as well as on the best possibilities to take advantage of labor regulations. Resolution of doubts in reference to the proper application of the current agreement. Claims for wages, settlements and compensation.

Advice on Special Labor Relations such as Senior Management, Athletes, etc.

Application and procedures for Social Security Benefits, Retirement and Disability Pensions, Maternity, Paternity, Family Benefits, Widowhood, Orphanhood, etc.

Assistance to Inspections:

Advice on labor inspections and accompaniment or representation before Labor Inspections.

Tax Filing:

As long as you have hired workers, Model 111 (Quarterly Income Tax Declaration corresponding to withholdings made on payroll) will be prepared, and Model 190 (annual summary of withholdings made to workers) will be prepared. Preparation of the Withholding Certificate of all workers corresponding to each year worked.

Also included in the model 111 and 190, professional invoices, which are subject to withholding, as well as the preparation of the corresponding Withholding Certificate.

Preparation and Management of Illness and Accident Reports:

Preparation and Notification to the Social Security of the Labor Situation of the worker.

• Preparation and Sending of Disease Reports (RED System)
• Preparation and Sending of Accident Reports (DELTA System)

Except for maternity leave.

Prevention of occupational hazards

Our objective is to provide our clients with a highly specialized and personalized service that covers their needs in terms of Occupational Risk Prevention. Objective that is achieved through the implementation in your company of an Occupational Risk Prevention management system carried out by a PREVENTION SERVICE.


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